01 Jul Unstoppable Foundation Update on the Baraka Health Clinic in Kenya

The Baraka Health Clinic, serving approximately 30,000 community members in the Maasai, Kipsigis and Kisii communities in Kenya.

The Clinic is saving lives by providing preventative, curative and rehabilitative services to the most vulnerable segments of the Kenyan population.

When you support the Unstoppable Foundation, as a village sponsor or as much as you are able, we focus on five proven “pillars” that can forever change a community: education; clean water and sanitation; food and nutrition; healthcare; and training so parents can earn an income.

The Baraka Health Clinic, of which the Unstoppable Foundation is one of the supporters, represents one of those pillars and is enhancing the health and changing the future for hundreds of men, women and children — and even those residents who have yet to be born!

When the clinic’s women’s health center opened in April, more than 500 women danced for joy.

“We’ve had too many babies die in our arms. This will be no more,” one woman said.

A few weeks later, the clinic offered eye examinations. More than 1,000 villagers lined up for their exams, and to receive glasses if needed.

Children were amazed as they could see the chalkboard in school for the first time.

A tiny grandmother started to dance around; “I can finally see!” she exclaimed.

Meanwhile, the Maasai girls at the Oleleshwa School received their new uniforms for the opening of their new high school. The girls proudly posed for a photo, knowing that the uniform is a symbol of the massive change that will take place inside the classrooms: a new outfit can change their appearance, but an education changes their futures!

Thank you for making these updates possible. Every gift you give is making a difference in villages across Africa.