09 Oct International Day of the Girl Child

On October 11, the entire world will be reminded that girls can be powerful agents of change.  That’s because this is the International Day of the Girl Child — a day designated by the United Nations to celebrate girls, and promote gender equality and the end of discrimination and abuse suffered by girls all across the globe.

In truth this is a day I wish didn’t exist — as I would prefer to live in a world where girls are treated equally no matter where they live, and that they be given the chance to dream of a future filled with promise, and have a right learn AND receive an education!

International Day of the Girl ChildBut sadly, in so many part of the world girls  are too often invisible.  Their voices are not heard, and their dreams are left unfulfilled.   When I think there are dozens of countries where girls are viewed as property, frequently forced into marriage when they are 10, 12 or 13 years old it makes me angry.   And every year, 2 million girls who haven’t even celebrated their 15th birthday become mothers, destined to a continuing spiral of poverty, a lack of education, and yes, even a sense of hopelessness.

The Unstoppable Foundation was created, and remains committed to changing this picture of our world, and the future for millions of girls, and children around the world.  Our foundation works every day to create a world where girls are valued, their voices heard, and  they are no longer invisible  Every year a girl is in primary school increases her future earnings by 10 to 20 percent.  With just seven years of education, a girl will (on average) delay marriage 4 years and have 2 fewer children.  She will be able to better care for her family and contribute financially to help them work their way out of the poverty that has held prior generations captive.

So this October 11th raise your voice, don’t be silent — add your voice to the thousands who are shouting the message that every girl has value, no matter where they are born, or grow up.  Join Unstoppable as we celebrate girls all over the globe and together, let’s recognize  the value of girls everywhere!  Remind your friends on social media about the International Day of the Girl Child–tell them you’ve had enough, and that gender inequality must end! Millions of girls around the world are counting on us to make visible the invisible, and give a voice to the voiceless.


Fact about 2 million giving birth: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs364/en/

With love and appreciation,

Cynthia Kersey

Bestselling author, “Unstoppable”
Chief Humanitarian Officer
Unstoppable Foundation